Jetstream API

OpenAPI Documentation for Jetstream


Swagger is an OpenAPI toolset that we are utilizing to enhance documentation of the Jetstream API. Embedded below is the Swagger UI, which presents a list of the Jetstream API endpoints, parameters, and schemas, and you can also test out each endpoint within this page.

JSON and Versioning

The OpenAPI documentation includes version information for the API and a link to the OpenAPI JSON. This JSON is automatically updated when changes are released to production. You can use this JSON for further testing or integrations, such as for creating a Postman collection.

The documentation includes a list of the available servers. This page points solely to Jetstream Production, so only one option is available in the dropdown.


Utilize your Jetstream Access Key to authorize and test the API within this page. Swagger allows you to set authorization for the server or individual commands per API endpoint.

  1. Click the Authorize button next to Servers.
    1. Document image
    2. Enter your Jetstream Access Key in the Value field and click Authorize. Clicking "Close" or the X in the top right of the window will cancel the authorization.
  2. To authorize for an command:
    1. Clock the lock icon for an command.
      Document image
    2. Enter your Jetstream Access Key in the Value field and click Authorize. Clicking "Close" or the X in the top right of the window will cancel the authorization.
  3. Once you have added authorization, the lock icons will update to the locked position.
    Document image
  4. To log out, click the lock icon and click Logout.

To retrieve, reset, or delete your Jetstream User access key, please contact Terso Support.

Endpoints and Try It Out

Swagger displays each API endpoint and the available commands for each endpoint. Each command can be expanded by click the colorful header to display additional information, including parameter information, an example response value, and schema.

Within the expanded command section, you have the ability to "Try it out". To test out an command:

  1. Complete the authorization steps above for either the server or the specific command.
  2. Expand the endpoint and command you'd like to test.
  3. Click the "Try it out" button.
  4. Enter values for the parameter(s) you'd like to test, ensuring you've entered values for all required parameters.
  5. Click Execute.
  6. The page will update to include the Curl, Request URL, and Server response.
  7. After executing your first test, you can update the parameters and execute again or clear the values entered.


For best results, remember to URL encode any special characters in your request parameters.