Surface Read Point
RFID surface read points are used to track inventory and transactions. Its sleek, rugged form factor and ease of install allow it to be used in a wide variety of environments where a RFID read point is desired. Common applications include tracking two-bin kanban systems for consumable inventory, or as a check-in/check-out station. To learn more, visit
Model: TS082

Name | Supported |
Update Firmware | Yes |
Get All Passes | No |
Add or Remove Passes | No |
Get All RFID Tags | Yes |
Restart a Device | Yes |
Lock a Device | No |
Unlock a Device's Door | No |
Yes | |
Yes |
Name | Description | Data Type | Min | Max | Default |
AntennaTxPower | The dB transmit power of all of the antennas. | Int | 15 | 23 | 23 |
AutoUpdate | Firmware auto update enable. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 |
CaptureTime | Time in seconds before a tag that enters the field is reported. | Int | 1 | 120 | 5 |
CommandPollInterval | The number of minutes between polling for device commands in Jetstream. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 |
CommsReboot | Number of minutes after the system loses communication that it will automatically reboot. | Int | 10 | 1440 | 230 |
CommsReconnectInterval | Time in seconds to wait before attempting to communicate with Jetstream if there were any communication problems. | Int | 1 | 300 | 10 |
CommsTimeout | Time in seconds to wait for a reply from Jetstream after sending an event or command response. | Int | 1 | 300 | 60 |
Continuous | Set to true for continuous real-time scanning. Set to false to poll the tray periodically for tags. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 |
DNS | The DNS to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned DNS server is used instead. | IP Address | | | |
DwellTime | Time in milliseconds that is spent on each antenna during continuous scanning. | Int | 50 | 5000 | 200 |
Gateway | The gateway address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned Gateway address is used instead. | IP Address | | | |
HeartbeatEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a HeartbeatEvent. A setting of 0 will disable HeartbeatEvents. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 |
InactivityInterval | Time in seconds communications will wait before re-establishing a connection if there is no activity. | Int | 0 | 3600 | 300 |
IP | The IP address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned IP address is used instead. | IP Address | | | |
JetstreamDeviceUrl | The URL to which the tray sends Jetstream messages. | String | - | - | |
JetstreamWebsocketAppEndpoint | The Jetstream resource used to connect for WebSocket communications. Using '#' will disable WebSocket communications. | String | - | - | /dwsliveconnection.ashx |
LogEntryLevel | The verbosity of the logs sent by the tray
| String | - | - | Error |
LogFileLevel | The verbosity of the logs saved locally on the tray
| String | - | - | Debug |
ObjectEventHour | The hour to perform the daily system scan as well as other system checks. A setting of -1 will disable ObjectEvents. | Int | -1 | 23 | 0 |
ObjectEventScanCount | The number of times to scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 100 | 2 |
ObjectEventScanDelay | Number of seconds the tray should wait between scans. | Int | 1 | 60 | 1 |
ObjectEventScanTime | The time in seconds for each scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 300 | 5 |
ReaderLogEntryOnFailure | Generate a LogEntryEvent when communications to the internal RFID reader fails. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 |
ReaderNumAntennas | The number of antennas the tray is using. | Int | 1 | 4 | 4 |
RemoveEvent | Sets whether an aggregate even "remove" is sent when a tag leave the field of scanning. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 |
SearchMode | Mode of scanner. Set to 1 for dual target mode to be used by continuous scanning. Set to 1 for dual target or 2 for single target when continuous is set to false for polling. | Int | 1 | 2 | 1 |
SecureSocket | Use secure communications over HTTPS for the tray. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Subnet | The subnet address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned subnet is used instead. | IP Address | | | |
VersionsFileUrl | Location of file listing current versions of firmware. Used to configure auto firmware update. | String | - | - |
The list below are some common, potential LogEntryEvents a tray may send in. However, not all possible LogEntryEvents are listed in this table. The LogEntryLevel in use determines which LogEntryEvents are sent to Jetstream.
Name | Description |
LowFlashMemory | LowFlashMemory occurs when the tray has less than 25% flash memory. |
LowMemory | LowMemory occurs when the tray has less than 25% memory. This event will be sent every hour until the device reboots. Reboot occurs automatically if memory drops to 10%. |
NewFirmwareDownloadError | NewFirmwareDownloadError occurs when a request to upgrade firmware fails. |
ReadException | ReadException occurs when there is an issue performing an RFID scan. |
Startup | Startup occurs whenever the tray is started up. |
The Tray does not generate any SensorReadingEvents.