Directional Read Point
Directional portals are powerful RFID sensors that can be mounted almost anywhere to track RFID tags passing through the sensors range. The most common configurations include doorway-mounted portals that track the movement of tags in and out of the room, and ceiling or wall-mounted portals that track the sightings of tags in a particular location. To learn more, visit
Model: TS087 Directional Read Point (When used in Directional mode). When used in Read Point mode use "Read Point" device type.

You can send the following commands to a directional portal via Jetstream.
Name | Supported |
Get Device Status | Yes |
Sync Device Credentials | No |
Get All RFID Tags | No |
Restart a Device | Yes |
Lockdown a Device | No |
Unlock a Device's Door | No |
Get a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
Set a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
No | |
Yes |
You can specify the following parameters for you directional portal via policy. Available parameters may differ by firmware version. To configure your own devices via Jetstream, follow this guide. Terso Support can also manage these configuration settings for you.
Name | Description | Data Type | Min | Max | Default | Firmware |
AgeInterval | Time in seconds after a tag leaves the field that is reported as out of field. | Int | 1 | 60 | 3 | v4.7+ |
AntennaTxPower | The dB transmit power of all of the antennas. | Int | 15 | 30 | 25 | v4.7+ |
AutoUpdate | Firmware auto update enable. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
CaptureTime | Time in seconds before a tag that enters the field is reported. | Int | 3 | 60 | 5 | v4.7+ |
CommandPollInterval | The number of minutes between polling for device commands in Jetstream. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.7+ |
CommsReboot | Number of minutes after the system loses communication that it will automatically reboot. | Int | 10 | 1440 | 230 | v4.7+ |
CommsReconnectInterval | Time in seconds to wait before attempting to communicate with Jetstream if there were any communication problems. | Int | 1 | 300 | 10 | v4.7+ |
CommsTimeout | Time in seconds to wait for a reply from Jetstream after sending an event or command response. | Int | 1 | 300 | 60 | v4.7+ |
DirectionFlag | Used to reverse the direction that an "add" or "remove" is reported in aggregate event. Not applicable when PointMode is "true". | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
FieldOfView | Sets how scanner sets its range
| String | - | - | Narrow | v4.7+ |
FinalSector | When tags are expected to be left in the field of view, this is the sector where they will be.
0 is off or tags are not expected to be left in field. 2 is the end of device with the LED on the case. 3 is the opposite side. | Int | 0 | 3 | 0 | v7.4.25+ |
HeartbeatEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a HeartbeatEvent. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.7+ |
InactivityInterval | Time in seconds communications will wait before re-establishing a connection if there is no activity. | Int | 70 | 3600 | 300 | v4.7+ |
JetstreamDeviceUrl | The URL to which the directional portal sends Jetstream messages. | String | - | - | | v4.7+ |
JetstreamWebsocketAppEndpoint | The Jetstream resource used to connect for WebSocket communications. Using '#' will disable WebSocket communications. | String | - | - | /dwsliveconnection.ashx | v4.7+ |
LingerTime | Time in seconds that a tag can "linger" under scanner before it is reported. Used to help with excessive reporting when a tag is directly under scanner and is picked up going back and forth. Not applicable when PointMode is "true". | Int | 0 | 300 | 30 | v4.7+ |
LogEntryLevel | The verbosity of the logs sent by the reader
| String | - | - | Error | v4.7+ |
LogFileLevel | The verbosity of the logs saved locally on the reader
| String | - | - | Off | v4.7+ |
LoiterTime | When FinalSector is 2 or 3, this is the time in seconds before a tag will be reported once it enters final sector | Int | 0 | 60 | 0 | v4.7.25+ |
ObjectEventHour | The hour to perform the daily system scan as well as other system checks. A value of -1 disables this feature. | Int | -1 | 23 | 0 | v4.7+ |
PointMode | When set to true, the device will send events when tags are simply in field of view. When set to false the device will send directional information. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
ReaderLogEntryOnFailure | Generate a LogEntryEvent when communications to the internal RFID reader fails. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.7+ |
ReaderMode | Sets the mode that scanner searches for tags
Not applicable when PointMode is "true". | String | - | - | Performance | v4.7+ |
RemoveEvent | Sets whether an aggregate event "remove" is sent when a tag leaves the field of scanning. Not applicable when PointMode is "false". | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
SameSectorLogEntry | If set to true, the device will report that a tag exited the field in the same direction as it entered. Not applicable when PointMode is "true". | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
SecureSocket | Use secure communications over HTTPS for the reader. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.7+ |
TagPopulation | Estimate of number of tags in the field of view at one time. Not applicable when PointMode is "true". | Int | 1 | 1000 | 20 | v4.7+ |
VersionsFileUrl | Location of file listing current versions of firmware. Used to configure auto firmware update. | String | - | - | | v4.7+ |
The following are the Jetstream Events that may come into your queue directly from a directional portal. Other events pertaining to, but not generated by, the directional portal are not listed here as those Jetstream-generated events do not vary by device type. See the Event entry in the Glossary to see a complete list of which events are from a device and which come from the Jetstream application.
Name | Supported | Notes |
AggregateEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the PointMode Config Parameter to 1. The directional interpretation of Add and Remove in the AggregateEvents can be flipped via the DirectionFlag Config Parameter. PassRFID parameter will always be blank, since the directional portal does not have a pass reader. |
CommandCompletionEvent | Yes |
HeartbeatEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the HeartbeatEventInterval Config Parameter to 0. |
LogEntryEvent | Yes | These can be disabled or increased by configuring the LogEntryLevel Config Parameter. Disabling LogEntryEvents is NOT recommended, as this would prevent you or Terso from remotely monitoring the health of the unit. See the LogEntryEvents section below for more details. |
ObjectEvent | Yes | Disabled by default, these can be enabled by setting the PointMode Config Parameter to 1. This will disable AggregateEvents. |
SensorReadingEvent | No |
StatusEvent | Yes |
The list below are some common, potential LogEntryEvents a directional portal may send in. However, not all possible LogEntryEvents are listed in this table. The LogEntryLevel Config Parameter determines which LogEntryEvents are sent to Jetstream, the following logentryevents may be sent when LogEntryLevel = Error.
Name | Description |
LowFlashMemory | LowFlashMemory occurs when the directional portal has less than 25% flash memory. |
LowMemory | LowMemory occurs when the directional portal has less than 25% memory. This event will be sent every hour until the device reboots. Reboot occurs automatically if memory drops to 10%. |
NewFirmwareDownloadError | NewFirmwareDownloadError occurs when a request to upgrade firmware fails. |
ReadException | ReadException occurs when there is an issue performing an RFID scan. |
Startup | Startup occurs whenever the directional portal is started up. |
The Directional Portal does not generate any SensorReadingEvents.