Premium Features



Allow RFID Handheld users to select which location they are scanning inventory at, right in the inventory app, by creating an Alias for a location and assigning it to any number of handhelds. This feature enables a single device to scan a limitless number of inventory locations, while keeping the scanned inventory neatly organized in its proper location.

Specifically, when the Aliases feature is enabled, the following will occur in your Stratosphere organization:

  • The Aliases will display for all users.
    • Users with the Device and Location Management Role will be able to add, edit, and delete aliases.
    • Users without the Device and Location Management Role will be able to see all aliases that are tied to their assigned locations. They will not be able to add, edit, or delete, only view their location's aliases.
  • Alias record changes will be captured in the audit log report.
  • Users of a Handheld Device that is tied to one or more aliases will now be able to select an assigned alias with their inventory scans. This allows a single device to report inventory from multiple locations. For more info on how this works, see the "How Aliases Work in the Handheld App" section below.
    • As a result, handheld devices with aliases will no longer report their scanned inventory as belonging to the device location, but rather the alias location. (which may be the same location, or may not be).

How Aliases Work on the Handheld App

Before setting up aliases in Stratosphere, it is important to understand how they are actually used by Handheld Device users. Aliases are not used by any other Terso devices, since only the battery-powered, light-weight handheld is designed to be moved between locations.

The power of aliases is allowing a single Terso RFID Handheld Device to report that a certain inventory scan is not just coming from that device, but also where that device is located in the world. So how does the handheld user actually specify at what location they are physically located?

  1. When a handheld device user wishes to take an inventory scan, they will power on their reader and phone, connect to wi-fi, Bluetooth connect the reader and phone, and open the Terso Inventory App.
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  2. Select "Inventory Scan" from the main menu. Then select whether to perform a Full Inventory Scan, Add to Inventory, or Remove from Inventory.
  3. Select an available Alias from a searchable, scrollable list.
  4. Perform their inventory scan as usual.
  5. Submit the inventory scan with the RFID Tag EPCs scanned, the scanning device name, and the selected alias name.
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The list of available aliases that the device user can select from is determined by the Aliases you have added in Stratosphere and assigned to that device. Each Alias will only appear on the devices to which the Alias has been assigned. A handheld device carried by a sales rep to various accounts may need dozens of aliases. A handheld device that is intended to be kept at a fixed inventory location may only have a single Alias, or none at all.

Viewing Aliases in Stratosphere

If the Alias feature is enabled at the Organization level, Aliases will appear in the menu for all users with the device and location management role, as well as those who have an assigned location that is tied to an Alias.

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This page will contain a table of all the aliases that a user is authorized to view.

  • Users with the Device and Location Management role will see all aliases
  • Users without this role will only see the aliases for locations to which they are assigned.


To view an alias's details, click the name of the alias. In the details page you will all the available information for that alias, including:

  • Alias Name* - The globally unique name of the alias.
  • Region* - The general region of the world where the alias will be used. This must match the region of the devices using the alias.
  • Location* - The Stratosphere location the alias represents
  • Assigned Devices - The handheld devices that will allow the user to select this Alias.
  • Item Count - The total number of items read by the last device to use this Alias. Includes a link to the detailed inventory report where you can see the item-specific information of the inventory "in" the alias.
  • Item Count Time - The date and time that the last device to use this alias reported its inventory. This is displayed in the time zone specified in the user profile, not the time zone the device was in. If the alias has never been used this field will display: "No Reported Transactions".
  • Item Count Last Reported By - The device that last used the alias when submitting an inventory scan. If the alias has never been used this field will display: "No Reported Device".

* = Required

Adding Aliases

Adding Aliases requires the "Device and Location Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

To add an alias:

  1. Select "Add Alias" in the top left of the Aliases page.
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  2. Enter an Alias Name. The name must be universally unique across all Stratosphere organizations, not just your organization. The name can contain numbers, letters, and the _ character. No spaces or other special characters are allowed. If possible, it is recommended to name it the same as the location it represents.
  3. Select a Region. Simply make the region selection that is closest to where the devices utilizing the alias will be located. This must match the region of the devices using the alias.
  4. Select a Location, from a list of all Stratosphere locations. Any user who is assigned to this location will gain access to the device.
  5. Select Assigned Devices, from a list of all Handheld Devices in the same region as the Alias.
  6. Click Save to finish adding the alias. The alias will now appear in the aliases table. It will also appear on the "select an alias" screen of all Handheld Devices that have been specified for the Alias.

Editing Aliases

Editing Aliases requires the "Device and Location Management" Role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

There are two options for editing an alias.

Option 1

  1. On the Aliases page, open the quick action menu for the alias you wish to edit and select "Edit".
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  2. In the Edit Alias window that opens, make any desired changes.
  3. Click "Save Changes" to save the edited record. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will remove any edits you just made but had not yet saved.

Option 2

  1. On the Aliases page, click the alias name link
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  2. In the alias details page, make any desired changes.
  3. Click "Save Changes" to save the edited record. To cancel your edits, simply leave the device details page without saving.

Deleting Aliases

Deleting Aliases requires the "Device and Location Management" Role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

Deleting an alias will immediately remove the alias from Stratosphere and from all Handheld Apps. There are two options for deleting an alias.

Option 1

  1. On the Aliases page, open the quick action menu for the alias you wish to delete and select "delete"
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  2. In the "Delete Alias" confirmation window that appears, click "Delete" to confirm the deletion of the alias. This cannot be undone. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will not delete the alias.

Option 2

  1. On the Aliases page, click the alias name link for the device you wish to delete.
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  2. On the Alias Details page that opens, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Delete".
  3. In the "Delete Alias" confirmation window that appears, click "Delete" to confirm the deletion of the alias. This cannot be undone. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will not delete the alias.

Enabling Aliases

Enabling Aliases requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

To enable the creation of aliases, and their use in reporting inventory from handheld devices:

  1. Go to the organization page
  2. Select the "Add/Remove Features" tab
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  3. Toggle the "Aliases" feature on
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  4. Press "Save Changes"

Disabling Aliases

Disabling Alias requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

Disabling Aliases will instantly hide all Alias screens and data, both in Stratosphere and in the Handheld App.

To disable the Aliases feature:

  1. Go to the organization page
  2. Select the "Add/Remove Features" tab
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  3. Toggle the "Aliases" feature off
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  4. Press "Save Changes"
  5. Confirm your intention to disable by pressing "Save Changes" in the resulting popup.