Default Functions



Reports are designed to quickly present important information about your Stratosphere-tracked inventory. All reports are sortable, searchable, printable, and downloadable. If you would like to review your data in a way that is not currently supported by the following reports, please reach out to Terso Support.

General Layout

To learn more about the consistent layout and controls for all reports, let's step through the Transaction Report, as an example.

Top of Report

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  1. Page Title - The name of the report.
  2. Page Description - A short description of the content and usage of the report. For more details about a report, see the Report documentation page (you're on it!).
  3. Date Filter - Date range filters are available only on certain reports, sometimes the date is a range and for some reports only the end or start date is configurable. Use the "Apply Date Range" button to apply the selected date(s).
  4. Apply Date Range - Refreshes the report results, with the specified date range filter applied.
  5. Subscribe - Subscribe to the report to receive daily, weekly, or monthly emails the include the report as an attachment. See the Report Subscriptions section below for more information.
  6. Download - Reports can be downloaded as CSV, Excel, or copied to the clipboard.
  7. Print - Reports can be printed, but please consider printing only the pages you need.
  8. Table Search - The search bar instantly runs a "contains" search for your search term on all column data in the report as you type, filtering down to only rows containing your term. "Contains" means the entered string will be found wherever it is located, not just when the searched term is at the beginning of the field.
  9. Sortable and Searchable Columns - The report can be searched and sorted by any column name in ascending or descending order, simply by clicking anywhere in the column header. Columns vary for each report.
  10. Report Data - The rows of the reports contain the actual record data that is available. Row data is typically read-only text, but certain data may also be presented as a link to the detail page for that record. Some reports rows, such as the rows in the transaction report, may actually be groupers containing additional data that is displayed by selecting the row. If no data is available for the report, a "No data available in table" message will be displayed. Reports only display inventory data from your assigned locations. Users with the device and location management role will see data from all locations in their reports by default, regardless of their assigned locations.

Bottom of Report

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  1. Entries Per Page - Use this selector to determine how many entries (rows) are displayed per page. Loading more entries per page may increase load times. This selection will not persist after leaving the report page.
  2. Report Pages - Allows navigating between different pages of the report. The currently viewed page will be highlighted, and the first, previous, next, and last pages will be available as options. If the number of pages is more than can be displayed, an ellipses will appear indicating there are additional pages that cannot be directly navigated to. Whenever possible, try using the search bar or column sort to find what you are looking for rather than paging through the report. Increasing the entries per page will help reduce the number of pages.
  3. Showing Entries - Displays which entries are currently being shown on the page, out of the total number of entries.

More details on the individual reports can be found below.

Audit Log Report

Viewing the Audit Log report requires the "Auditing" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

Displays actions taken on records in Stratosphere, whether by the system or by a human user. This data will be retained as long as your organization uses Stratosphere. By default, this report will display audit logs for the current day. The report can display results for a date range up to 7 days.

The main difference from other reports is that, due to the massive number of records that this report can eventually contain, please expect searching, printing, and downloading to take several seconds. To improve report performance, limit the date range to the minimum number of days necessary. To help manage the size of the report, record type filters are available. Simply click the "Filter" button located beneath the date range filter to select all record types to include, and deselect all record types you do not wish to include the report. By default all record types you have permission to view, except transaction records, will be included. Changes to the record type filters are applied to the report instantly, no refresh needed.

The Audit Log report contains the following columns:

  • Event Date - The date and time the change event occurred, presented in UTC. By default, the report displays the most recent events first.
  • Event Type - The type of record change that occurred. The possible event types are Add, Modify, or Delete. Note that if a user deactivates or disables a record, that will appear on the Audit Log as a Modify.
  • Record Type - The type of record that was changed. Most of these are easily recognizable but some records are only tracked by the system, so their names may not be familiar. Here are short explanations of each record type:
    • Location - These are the same location records contained on the Location page.
    • Device - These are the device records contained on the Standard Devices and Kanban Read Points pages.
    • User - These are the same user records contained on the Users page.
    • Product - These are the same product records contained on the RFID Product Catalog page.
    • NonRFIDProduct - These are the same product records contained on the Non-RFID Product Catalog page.
    • TaggedItem - These are the tagged item records contained on the Items and Bin Management pages.
    • Alias - These are the same alias records contained on the aliases page.
    • Transaction - These are the same transaction records on the transaction report. These are filtered by default.
    • PackageIntegrity - These are the same package integrity records contained on the package integrity page. Requires the Package Integrity Feature to be added at the organization level.
    • Organization - This is your Organization record, as contained on the Organization Profile tab of the Organizations page.
    • SensorReading - Every time a device reports data from its sensors, a SensorReading record is automatically added. This can include temperature, location, or battery level, depending on the device's available sensors.
    • UserSetting - Every time a user changes a personal setting in their User Profile, a UserSetting record is added.
    • BasicCredential - The pass assigned under the Credentials section in the User record.
    • UserLocation - The relationship that assigns a User to their Assigned Locations. Each assignment is its own UserLocation record that is stored with neither the Location nor the User record to maximize flexibility.
    • PackageIntegrityFeature - This is the status of the Package Integrity Feature for your Organization.
    • SlowMovingInventoryFeature - This is the status of the Slow Moving Inventory Feature for your Organization.
    • AliasesFeature - This is the status of the Aliases Feature for your Organization.
    • CaseManagementFeature - This is the status of the Case Management Feature for your Organization.
    • ItemDispositionFeature - This is the status of the Item Disposition Feature for your Organization.
    • KanbanFeature - This is the status of the Kanban Inventory Management Feature for your Organization.
    • ParLevelFeature - This is the status of the Par Levels Feature for your organization.
    • ParLevelGroup - This is the Par Level record including the name, assigned location, and related ParLevels records, which contain the product, min, and max.
    • ParLevel - This is the product Min Max level for a particular ParLevelGroup.
    • ReportSubscription - Each time a user creates, modifies, deactivates, deletes, or activates a report subscription, a ReportSubscription record is added.
    • CaseSubmissionEmailAddress - Any updates to the list of email addresses receiving case submission emails will be logged with a type of CaseSubmissionEmailAddress.
    • KanbanAlertEmailAddress - Any updates to the list of email addresses receiving kanban inventory alerts will be logged with a type of KanbanAlertEmailAddress.
    • Case - Each time a user creates, modifies, submits, or unsubmits a case, a Case record is logged.
    • CaseItem - Each time a user adds an item to or removes an item from a case, a CaseItem record is logged.
    • Procedure - Each time a user creates, modifies, deactivates, or activates a Procedure, a Procedure record is logged.
    • Surgeon - Each time a user creates, modifies, deactivates, or activates a Surgeon, a Surgeon record is logged.
    • BinStockEvent - Each time a kanban inventory bin is created, modified, deactivated, deleted, added to a device, or removed from a device, a BinStockEvent is logged.
  • Field - The particular field in the record that was modified.
  • Original Value - The value of the field prior to modification.
  • New Value - The value of the field after modification.
  • User Full Name - The name of the user who who added, modified, or deleted the record.
  • User Email Address - The email address of the user who added, modified, or deleted the record.
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Detailed Inventory Report

Displays details for each individual item that is currently in inventory. To see a count of all items of a certain product across all permitted locations or per device, use the Inventory Summary Report.

The Detailed Inventory Report contains the following columns:

  • Product Name - The product name of the item.
  • Product # - The product number of the item.
  • Serial - The unique Serial Number of the item.
  • Batch - The Batch or Lot number of the item.
  • RFID Tag EPC - The unique RFID Tag Number of the tag adhered to the item.
  • Expiration Date - The date through which the item can be used.
  • Device Name - The name of the Device currently reporting the item.
  • Location Name - The name of the Location that contains the item.

When the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature is enabled, the Detailed Inventory Report will update to include the Product System and Product Category columns.

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Expiring Items Report

Displays items in a device that will expire on or before the selected date, including items that have already expired. To remove an item from this report, remove the item from the reporting device. By default, this report will display items expiring within the next 30 days.

The expiring items report contains the following columns:

  • Product Name - The Product Name of the expiring item.
  • Serial - The unique Serial Number of the expiring item.
  • Batch - the Batch or Lot number of the expiring item.
  • RFID Tag EPC - The unique RFID Tag Number of the tag adhered to the item.
  • Expiration Date - The date through which the item can be used.
  • Device Name - The name of the Device that last reported the expiring item.
  • Location Name - The name of the Location containing the expiring item.

When the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature is enabled, the Expiring Items Report will update to include the Product System and Product Category columns.

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Inventory Exceptions Report

Displays all items that are in inventory but already have an item disposition status set. To remove an item from this report, either set the item’s disposition back to “No Status”, or physically remove it from the reporting location.

  • Item Status - The Item Disposition status that has been set for the item.
  • Location Name - The name of the Location that contains the item.
  • Product Name - The name of the product.
  • Serial Number - The unique Serial Number of the item.
  • RFID Tag EPC - The unique RFID Tag Number of the tag adhered to the item.
  • Most Recent Event Time - The most recent time the item was added to a device's inventory in your time zone.
  • Device Name - The name of the device reporting the inventory exception.
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Inventory Summary Report

Displays permitted-location-level and device-level counts of all products in inventory. Products that are not in stock at any locations you have access to will not be displayed here. Click a product row to see the product counts of each device containing the product, along with the location containing that device. To see the item-level information of these products, use the Detailed Inventory Report.

The Inventory Summary Report contains the following columns, the last 3 columns are only displayed when a product row is expanded:

  • Product # - The # or code of the Product
  • Product Name - The name of the Product
  • Quantity - The count of that product that is in inventory across all locations that you have access to.
    • Location Name - The name of the location containing that product.
    • Device Name - The name of the device reporting that product.
    • Device Quantity - The count of that product that is being reported by that device.

When the Stratosphere Inventory Pricing feature is enabled, the Inventory Summary Report will update to include inventory pricing.

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Kanban Inventory Report

Displays stocking status and estimated stock range for each product in your Kanban inventory per location. Click to expand rows to see bin details for each product and location pair.

See the Kanban Inventory Management page for more details on this report.

Kanban Restock Report

Displays kanban inventory needing to be restocked. Includes the Kanban Restock Summary, which shows the total amount to restock for each Non-RFID product for all selected accounts and locations, and the Kanban Restock by Location, which shows the Non-RFID products, amounts needing restock, and bin-specific details per stocking location.

See the Kanban Inventory Management page for more details on this report.

Par Levels Report

Displays the per-product inventory levels at all locations that have a Par Level set and assigns a status and recommended reorder quantity based on the Par Levels set and the current inventory level.

See the Par Levels page for more details on this report.

Removed Items Report

Displays items that were in inventory at your locations but are currently removed. If an item is returned to inventory, it will immediately be removed from this report, even if it is returned to a location that you may not have access to view. The removed items report can be enhanced when Item Disposition is enabled at your organization, to enable the setting of disposition statuses for removed items.

  • Location Name - The name of the Location that contains the item.
  • Product Name - The name of the product.
  • Serial Number - The unique Serial Number of the item.
  • RFID Tag EPC - The unique RFID Tag Number the devices use to identify the item.
  • Removed Time - The date and time the item was removed from its last known inventory location.
  • Device Name - The name of the Device reporting the item removal.
  • User Name - The full name of the user whose badge was presented for the removal transaction. If blank, the device the item was removed from may not require secure pass access.

When the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature is enabled, the Removed Items Report will update to include the Product System and Product Category columns.

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Slow Moving Inventory Report

Displays all inventory that has been in its current location since on or before the specified date. Defaults to the threshold specified by your Organization.

See the Slow Moving Inventory page for more details on this report.

Temperature Report

Displays temperature readings reported by devices within the specified date range. By default, this report will display temperature readings from the last 7 days, including today. You can filter out devices from the chart by clicking the device's name in the legend along the top of the report. Hover over points on the graph to see details including the date/time, device name, temperature sensor name, and temperature value.

The Temperature Report contains the following columns, which are displayed in chart format. The data is only displayed as columns when printed or downloaded:

  • Name - The name of the device reporting the temperature reading
  • SensorName - The name of the sensor in the device that performed the actual reading. Devices can contain one or two temperature sensors.
  • ReadingTime - The date and time that the sensor read the temperature, converted to the user's time zone.
  • Value - The temperature reading, in degrees Celsius.
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Transaction Report

Displays inventory movement reported by a device within the specified date range. A type of "Added" indicates that the item was placed inside the read range of the device at that time. A type of "Removed" indicates that the item was taken out of the read range of the device at that time. A type of "Both" indicates one transaction included items being added and removed. By default, this report will display transactions from the last 7 days, including the current date. Note that the item-level data (Product, Serial, Tag EPC, etc.) can all be searched via the table search bar, but the item-level data does not support column-level search. To improve report performance, limit the date range to the minimum number of days necessary.

The Transaction Report contains the following columns:

  • Event Time - The date and time when the transaction occurred, converted into the user's local time zone.
  • Type - Whether the transaction consisted of items being added, removed, or both. A type of "Added" indicates that the transaction consisted entirely of items being placed inside the read range of the device. A type of "Removed" indicates that the transaction consisted of items being taken out of the read range of the device. A type of "Both" means some items were added and others were removed, within the same transaction.
  • User or Pass - The first and last name of the user whose pass was used to unlock the secured device and add or remove the item. If a pass number is displayed here, the cabinet was accessed by a pass that has not yet been linked to a User in their User record. This link should be made as soon as possible to ensure accurate transaction records. If blank, the device the item was added to or removed from may not require secure pass access.
  • Device Name - The name of the device that reported the transaction.
  • Location Name - The name of the location containing the device that reported the transaction.
  • Items (Count) - the count of items included in the transaction.
    • Type - Indicates whether this item was added or removed during this transaction.
    • Product Name - The product name of the item.
    • Serial - The unique Serial Number of the item.
    • Batch - The Batch or Lot number of the item.
    • Expiration Date - The date through which the item can be used.
    • Tag EPC - The unique RFID Tag Number reported by the device to identify the item.

When the Kanban Inventory Management feature is enabled, the Transaction Report will update to include kanban inventory transactions.

When the Stratosphere Inventory Pricing feature is enabled, the Transaction Report will update to include inventory pricing.

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Unassociated Tags Report

Viewing the unassociated tags report requires the "Item Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

Displays all RFID tags that match your organization's tag settings and are being currently reported by a device that are not associated as an item. Stratosphere does not know which items the tags listed here represent. To remove a Tag EPC from this report:

  • Select the quick action menu and choose "Associate Tag - Item". Then enter the required item information to associate the tag.
  • Remove the unassociated tag from the reporting device.
  • If the RFID tag cannot be associated or removed from the device for any reason, you can hide the item to clean up the report. To hide an item, select the quick action menu and choose "Hide". Hidden items can be reviewed and unhidden via the "Show Hidden" toggle in the top left.
    • "Hidden by Organization" means that the RFID Tag EPC does not match the organization's settings for Tag EPC length or prefix, and are therefore auto-hidden. If you believe this was hidden in error, please contact you administrator with "Organization Management" role to change your Organization's RFID Tag EPC Settings.

The unassociated tags report contains the following columns:

  • Device - The name of the device that reported the unassociated tag.
  • Location - The name of the location where the unassociated tag was reported from.
  • Tag EPC - The unassociated unique RFID Tag Number that is being reported by the device.
  • Last Seen - The date/time that the tag was last seen by that device at that location.
  • Quick Action Menu - Select to hide or associate an unassociated tag. Hidden tags will not be counted on the dashboard or displayed in the report.

When the Kanban Inventory Management feature is enabled, the Unassociated Tags will update to also include unassociated tags seen by Kanban Read Points. To associate a tag as a kanban bin, select the quick action menu and choose "Associate Tag - Kanban Bin". Then enter the required bin information to associate the tag.

Associating an unassociated tag as a kanban bin requires the "Product Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

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API-Only Reports

The following reports are available through the Stratosphere API. See the OpenAPI Documentation for Stratosphere API page for more information on the Stratosphere API.

All Items Report

The All Items report returns all tagged and associated items in the organization, regardless of whether the items are in inventory. This report returns the same fields as the Detailed Inventory Report.

Inventory Movement Report

The Inventory Movement Report returns all items that have moved, whether changing device or location, during a given time range. This report returns the same fields as the All Items Report.

Report Subscriptions

Report subscriptions allow you to sign up to receive daily, weekly, or monthly emails with your favorite Stratosphere reports attached. Report Subscriptions are available for all reports that your user can access in Stratosphere.

Report Subscription Emails

Report subscription emails contain an attachment with your subscribed report, the report name, subscription interval, run time, and next run time for the subscription.

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The report attachment will be a CSV or Excel file, depending on your subscription configuration. The file will be formatted the same as a report that is downloaded directly from Stratosphere.

If the subscribed report is greater than 40 MB, it cannot be attached to an email. Instead, your report subscription email will include a link to download your subscribed report.


  • Downloading a report requires you to log into Stratosphere for security.
  • Report downloads will remain available for 72 hours after the run time.
  • Stratosphere supports report subscriptions for reports up to 500 mb in size.

Creating Report Subscriptions

To create a new report subscription:

  1. Navigate to the report you would like to subscribe to in Stratosphere.
  2. Configure your report as needed, such as filtering or sorting the report.
  3. Click the Subscribe button.
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  4. Configure your report subscription.
    1. Enter a name for your report subscription.
    2. Select a time period for your subscription. Options include Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
    3. Select details for your subscription recurrence based on the selected time period.
      1. Daily
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        2. Select daily recurrence for your report subscription, from every 1 to 31 days. OR
        3. Select a subscription interval of every weekday.
      2. Weekly
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        2. Select the weekly recurrence for your report subscription, from every 1 to 10 weeks. OR
        3. Select the day(s) of the week to receive your report subscription.
      3. Monthly
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        2. Select the numeric day of the month and the monthly recurrence for your report subscription, from every 1 to 12 months. If you select a day of the month greater than 28 and the month does not contain that many days, the report subscription will run on the last day of the month. OR
        3. Select the relative day of the month, such as the last Friday of the month, and the monthly recurrence for your report subscription, from every 1 to 12 months.
    4. Select the send time for your report subscription. Subscriptions can be configured to run at any hour of the day, and subscriptions run at the top of the hour. The send time uses the time zone selected in your user profile.
    5. Select the file type for your report subscription. Options include CSV and Excel.
    6. Select whether to receive the report subscription email when the report is empty.
    7. Click Save to save and enable your report subscription.


  • Create your report subscription at least the day before the desired run time.
  • Each user can create up to 100 active report subscriptions.

Report-Specific Configuration

Certain reports have additional subscription configuration options or considerations.

Expiring Items

  • The Expiring Items report displays items expiring on or before a selected date. When creating or modifying your report subscription, you will be able to choose to see items that are expiring on or before a custom number of days from the report run time. For convenience, the default value will be 31 days from the report run time.

Par Levels

  • If the Par Levels feature is disabled, any active subscriptions for the Par Levels report will be deleted.

Slow Moving Inventory

  • The Slow Moving Inventory report displays inventory stocked in a location on or before a selected date. By default, the report subscription will use the date threshold set in the Organization Feature. If you would like to select a different threshold, you will be able to specify the threshold in the number of days when creating or editing your report subscription.
  • If the Slow Moving Inventory feature is disabled for your organization,
    any active subscriptions for the Slow Moving Inventory report will be deleted.
  • If the Slow Moving Inventory feature is modified for your organization, report subscriptions for the Slow Moving Inventory report will not be modified.


  • The first subscription email will include results for the 7 day period up to the first report subscription run time.
  • Subsequent subscription emails will include results since the last subscription report run time to the current report subscription run time.


  • The first subscription email will include results for the 7 day period up to the first report subscription run time.
  • Subsequent subscription emails will include results since the last subscription report run time to the current report subscription run time.

Removed Items

  • If the Item Disposition feature is disabled for your organization, any active subscriptions for the Removed Items report will remain active, and report results will include all removed items.
  • If the Item Disposition feature is enabled for your organization, any active subscriptions for the Removed Items report will remain active, and report results will include all removed items, regardless of disposition status.
  • If the Item Disposition feature is modified for your organization:
    • If an Item Disposition status is added or edited, the status will not be included in existing report subscription results. Create a new report subscription if you would like to see the status reflected in your report subscription.
    • If an Item Disposition status is deleted, existing report subscriptions will continue to run and will not include the deleted status.
  • If the Case Management feature is disabled for your organization and if the "Show items associated with cases" option is checked for the subscription, any active subscriptions for the Removed Items report will remain active, and any case-related information will not appear in the report results.

Inventory Exceptions

  • If the Item Disposition feature is disabled for your organization, any active subscriptions for the Inventory Exceptions report will be deleted.

Editing Report Subscriptions

To modify your report subscription:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner, and select Edit Profile.
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  2. Click Report Subscriptions.
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  3. Click the quick action menu for the subscription and select Edit.
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  4. Modify your report subscription as needed and click "Save Changes."

Deactivating Report Subscriptions

To disable your report subscription:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner, and select Edit Profile.
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  2. Click Report Subscriptions.
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  3. Click the quick action menu for the subscription and select Deactivate.
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  4. In the "Deactivate Report Subscription" confirmation window that appears, click "Deactivate" to confirm the deactivation of the subscription. This can be undone by activating te subscription. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will not deactivate the subscription.

Activating Report Subscriptions

To activate your deactivated report subscription:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner, and select Edit Profile.
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  2. Click Report Subscriptions.
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  3. Click the Show Deactivated Subscriptions toggle.
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  4. Click the quick action menu for the subscription and select Activate.
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  5. In the "Activate Report Subscription" confirmation window that appears, click "Activate" to confirm the deletion of the subscription. This cannot be undone. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will not activate the subscription.

Note: If your user is deactivated, your report subscriptions will be disabled. Upon reactivation of your user, your report subscriptions will remain disabled, but they can be activated following the steps above.

Deleting Report Subscriptions

To delete your report subscription:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner, and select Edit Profile.
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  2. Click Report Subscriptions.
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  3. Click the quick action menu for the subscription and select Delete.
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  4. In the "Delete Report Subscription" confirmation window that appears, click "Delete" to confirm the deletion of the subscription. This cannot be undone. Clicking "Cancel" or the X in the top right of the window will not delete the subscription.