Defrost Instructions

TS036 Defrost Instructions


Defrost Process, RFID Mid-Size Freezer (TS036). When preparing to defrost the freezer, ensure that all product is removed and placed into an alternate -20 storage location. Once all product has been moved the defrost process can begin. Note: Do not scrape away or chip away at any frost, this may cause damage to the vacuum seal or other internal components. 1. Power down enclosure using RFID Power Switch located on the back of the device. With the power switch in the off position, press the “Reset” button using a paperclip or something of similar size. *To confirm shutdown, the LCD Screen on the front of the freezer which typically says “Welcome, place pass below” should be dark.

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2. Unplug the base freezer from the RFID electronics enclosure *Note: this is the standard configuration, freezer may also be plugged into the wall at some locations.

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3. Open the freezer door completely and place towels in the bottom of the cavity to catch any water from the defrost process *Depending on frost buildup, more towels may be required.

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Note: Take care to try and keep water/moisture away from the electromagnet and proximity sensors at the bottom of the freezer.

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Post Defrost Process:

1. After defrost is complete, remove towels and close freezer door.

2. Plug freezer back in to RFID Electronics Enclosure and Flip RFID Electronics power switch back to the “ON” (Straight Line/dash) Position.

3. Once freezer has cooled back to operating temperature, product can be placed back into the device from the alternate storage location. Defrost is now complete. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Terso Solutions Technical Support for any clarification or further instruction.