Mobile Case
RFID Mobile Cases are Jetstream enabled devices used to transport, protect, and track field or mobile inventory. These devices not only support many standard Jetstream commands and events, but extend them by adding mobile features such as Geolocation through Location Based Services (LBS). To learn more, visit
Model: TS080

You can send the following commands to a mobile case via Jetstream. Note that the mobile case is only on after being shut, or during its nightly scan, so commands may take up to 24 hours to complete, even when the mobile case is healthy.
Name | Supported |
Get Device Status | No |
Sync Device Credentials | No |
Get All RFID Tags | No |
Restart a Device | No |
Lockdown a Device | No |
Unlock a Device's Door | No |
Get a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
Set a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
No | |
Yes |
The following are the parameters that can be configured for a mobile case via policy. Available parameters may differ by firmware version. To configure your own devices via Jetstream, follow this guide. Terso Support can also manage these configuration settings for you.
Name | Description | Data Type | Min | Max | Default | Firmware |
AggregateEventScanCount | Number of times the case should scan after an end user closes the lid. | Int | 1 | 100 | 2 | v4.7+ |
AggregateEventScanDelay | Number of seconds the case should wait between scans after an end user closes the lid. | Int | 1 | 60 | 1 | v4.7+ |
AggregateEventScanTime | The time of each individual scan in seconds after an end user closes the lid. | Int | 1 | 300 | 2 | v4.7+ |
AntennaTxPower | The dB transmit power of all antennas. | Int | 10 | 23 | 23 | v4.7+ |
BatteryCritical | The battery percentage threshold to flag if the battery is at a critical charge level. In this state, the case will not perform RFID scans. It may also not be able to communicate depending on charge level. | Int | 2 | 20 | 10 | v4.7+ |
BatteryLed | Enable the LED to indicate battery level. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
BatteryLow | The battery percentage threshold to flag if the battery is at a low charge level. The case will continue to operate normally by scanning and communicating results. | Int | 5 | 50 | 20 | v4.7+ |
CommsReconnectInterval | Time in seconds to wait before attempting to communicate with Jetstream if there were any communication problems. | Int | 0 | 60 | 10 | v4.7+ |
CommsTimeout | Time in seconds to wait for a reply from Jetstream after sending an event or command response. | Int | 0 | 60 | 10 | v4.7+ |
ConnectRetries | Number of times to retry connecting to the cellular network. | Int | 1 | 5 | 3 | v4.7+ |
JetstreamDeviceUrl | The URL to which the case sends Jetstream messages. | String | - | - | | v4.7+ |
JetstreamVersion | Verson of Jetstream that the events will be available after DWS receives them "3" - sends to v3 endpoints as v3 JSON events "2" - send to v2 endpoints as v2 JSON events "1.5" - sends to v1.5 endpoints as XML events | String | 1.5 | 3 | 1.5 | v4.8+ |
LidClosedShutdownTime | The number of seconds to wait after the lid is closed before automatically shutting down to conserve power. | Int | 1 | 600 | 30 | v4.7+ |
LidOpenTimeLimit | The number of seconds to wait while the lid remains open before automatically shutting down to conserve power. | Int | 1 | 600 | 300 | v4.7+ |
LocationService | Use location based services for the case. The Geolocation of the case will be sent in a SensorReadingEvent. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.7+ |
LogEntryLevel | The verbosity of the logs sent by the case
| String | Off | Information | Error | v4.7+ |
LogFileLevel | The verbosity of the logs saved locally on the case
| String | Off | Debug | Off | v4.7+ |
ObjectEventHour | The hour to perform the daily system scan as well as other system checks. | Int | -1 | 23 | 0 | v4.7+ |
ObjectEventOnly | When true, all scans are reported as ObjectEvent. Otherwise, lid open/close report as AggregateEvents. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
ObjectEventScanCount | The number of times to scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 100 | 2 | v4.7+ |
ObjectEventScanDelay | Number of times the case should wait between scans after an end user closes the lid. | Int | 1 | 60 | 1 | v4.7+ |
ObjectEventScanTime | The time in seconds for each scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 300 | 2 | v4.7+ |
OperationLed | Enable the LED to indicate operation state. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7+ |
RangeLimit | When the range received from the location service is greater than this number, it will disconnect the cell, and reconnect for 2 retries. If it does not get below the range specified, "NA" will be returned in the SensorReadingEvent. | Int | 0 | 9999 | 5000 | v4.8+ |
ReaderLogEntryOnFailure | Generate a LogEntryEvent when communications to the internal RFID reader fails. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.7+ |
RegionCode | The region determines the RFID frequency of operation. | String | - | - | FCC | v4.8+ |
SecureSocket | Use secure communications over HTTPS for the case. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.7+ |
SensorALogEntryEventHighTemp | High temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | 100 | v4.7+ |
SensorALogEntryEventLowTemp | Low temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | -100 | v4.7+ |
SensorReadingEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a SensorReadingEvent. | Int | 0 | 1440 | 60 | v4.7+ |
TempOffset | The offset, in degrees Celsius, to apply to the temperature readings from temperature probe A. | Int | -100 | 100 | 0 | v4.8+ |
TempSensor | The event that triggers a temperature reading. None - The device will never take or report temperature Lid - The device will record and report temperature every time the lid is closed. | String | none | lid | none | v4.7+ |
The following are the Jetstream Events that may come into your queue directly from a mobile case. Other events pertaining to, but not generated by, the mobile case are not listed here as those Jetstream-generated events do not vary by device type. See the Event entry in the Glossary to see a complete list of which events are from a device and which come from the Jetstream application.
Name | Supported | Notes |
AggregateEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the ObjectEventOnly Config Parameter to 1, which will result in a complete objectevent scan being taken every time the mobile case is closed, instead of an aggregate event. PassRFID parameter will always be blank, since the mobile case does have have a pass reader. |
CommandCompletionEvent | Yes |
HeartbeatEvent | No | HeartbeatEvents are unavailable for mobile cases in order to extend battery life. |
LogEntryEvent | Yes | These can be disabled or increased by configuring the LogEntryLevel Config Parameter. Disabling LogEntryEvents is NOT recommended, as this would prevent you or Terso from remotely monitoring the health of the unit. See the LogEntryEvents section below for more details. |
ObjectEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the ObjectEventHour Config Parameter to -1. |
SensorReadingEvent | Yes | See the SensorReadingEvents section below for more details. |
StatusEvent | Yes |
The list below are some common, potential LogEntryEvents a mobile case may send in. However, not all possible LogEntryEvents are listed in this table. The LogEntryLevel Config Parameter determines which LogEntryEvents are sent to Jetstream, the following logentryevents may be sent when LogEntryLevel = Error.
Name | Description |
CriticalBattery | CriticalBattery occurs whenever the percent of battery charge is below BatteryCritical. The battery percentage will also be reported. |
LowBattery | LowBattery occurs whenever the percent of battery charge is below BatteryLow but above BatteryCritical. The battery percentage will also be reported. |
LowFlashMemory | LowFlashMemory occurs when the mobile case has less than 25% flash memory. |
LowMemory | LowMemory occurs when the mobile case has less than 25% memory. This event will be sent every hour until the device reboots. Reboot occurs automatically if memory drops to 10%. |
NewFirmwareDownloadError | NewFirmwareDownloadError occurs when a request to upgrade firmware fails because the case is not able to download the new firmware. |
ReadException | ReadException occurs when there is an issue performing an RF read. |
ScanInterruptionAlarm | ScanInterruptionAlarm occurs when someone interrupts a scan by opening the lid. |
Shutdown | Shutdown occurs when the case is signaled to shutdown. |
Startup | Startup occurs whenever a case is started up. |
Temperature | Temperature occurs when a temperature threshold set by SensorALogEntryEventHighTemp or SensorALogEntryEventLowTemp has been reached. |
TemperatureRestore | TemperatureRestore occurs when an enclosure has gone back into normal temperature range. |
WakeReason | Occurs whenever the case boots up. The message contains the reason why the case booted. |
Geolocation for the mobile case (Latitude, Logitude, and Range) is reported as part of a SensorReadingEvent.
Name | Description |
BatteryLevel | The percent charge remaining of the battery. |
Connection | The frequency standard the case communicated through: LTE, CDMA, or GSM. |
Latitude | The Latitude where case is currently positioned in degrees. |
Longitude | The Longitude where case is currently positioned in degrees. |
Range | The measure of error from the Latitude/Longitude point where case is currently positioned in meters. |
SignalStrength | The cellular network signal strength where the case is currently positioned in dB. |
TemperatureA | The temperature reported on probe A in Celsius. |