Security Cabinets
Security cabinets are Jetstream-enabled cabinets that enable access control and logging, alerting, and the ability to remotely lockdown. They do not possess RFID reading or Temperature sensing capabilities like RFID Enclosures. They do not send ObjectEvents or AggregateEvents, so pass access should be monitored via LogEntryEvents of the type: ValidPass. To learn more, visit:
Model: TS092

You can send the following commands to a security cabinet via Jetstream.
Name | Supported |
Get Device Status | Yes |
Sync Device Credentials | Yes |
Get All RFID Tags | No |
Restart a Device | Yes |
Lockdown a Device | Yes |
Unlock a Device's Door | Yes |
Get a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
Set a Device's Policy Parameters | Yes |
Yes | |
Yes |
The following are the parameters that can be configured for a security cabinet via policy. Available parameters may differ by firmware version. To configure your own devices via Jetstream, follow this guide. Terso Support can also manage these configuration settings for you.
Name | Description | Type | Min | Max | Default | Firmware |
ACLockdownOnPowerFailure | Lockdown unit if AC power fails | bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8+ |
ACLogentryOnPowerFailure | Send a logentry alarm if AC power fails | bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.8+ |
AggregateEventScanCount | Number of times to scan after product is added/removed and door is closed | int | 1 | 100 | 2 | v4.8+ |
AutoUpdate | Enable the automatic update of firmware | bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8+ |
BatteryThreshold | Send logentry alarm when backup battery falls below this level | string | 0 | 30 | 23 | v4.8+ |
CommandPollInterval | The number of minutes between polling for device commands in Jetstream. | int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.8+ |
CommsReboot | Number of minutes after the system loses communication that it will automatically reboot | int | 10 | 1440 | 230 | v4.8+ |
CommsReconnectInterval | Time in seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect with Jetstream if there were any communication problems. | int | 1 | 300 | 10 | v4.8+ |
CommsTimeout | Time in seconds to wait for a reply from Jetstream after sending an event or command response | int | 1 | 300 | 60 | v4.8+ |
DNS | The DNS to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned DNS server is used instead. | IP address | | | | v4.8+ |
DoorOpenTimeLimit | Time in seconds that the door can be left open before a DoorOpen alarm is sent | int | 1 | 43200 | 300 | v4.8+ |
DoorUnlockTimeLimit | After a valid pass unlocks door, it stays unlocked for this long (seconds) | int | 1 | 3600 | 10 | v4.8+ |
Gateway | The gateway address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned Gateway address is used instead | IP address | | | | v4.8+ |
HeartbeatEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a HeartbeatEvent. A setting of 0 will disable HeartbeatEvents. | int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.8+ |
InactivityInterval | Time in seconds communications will wait before re-establishing a connection if there is no activity. | int | 70 | 3600 | 300 | v4.8+ |
IP | The IP address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned IP address is used instead. | IP address | |
| | v4.8+ |
JetstreamDeviceUrl | The URL to which the enclosure sends Jetstream messages. | string | - | - | | v4.8+ |
JetstreamVersion | Verson of Jetstream that the events will be available after DWS receives them "3" - sends to v3 endpoints as v3 JSON events "2" - send to v2 endpoints as v2 JSON events "1.5" - sends to v1.5 endpoints as XML events | string | 1.5 | 3 | 1.5 | v4.8+ |
JetstreamWebsocketAppEndpoint | The Jetstream resource used to connect for WebSocket communications. Using '#' will disable WebSocket communications. | string | - | - | /dwsliveconnection.ashx | v4.8+ |
LocationService | Report location of device (currently not supported on this device) | bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8+ |
LogEntryLevel | The verbosity of the logs sent by the enclosure - Off - Error - Warning - Information | string | Off | Information | Error | v4.8+ |
LogFileLevel | The verbosity of the logs saved locally on the enclosure - Off - Error - Warning - Information - Verbose - Trace - Debug | string | Off | Debug | Off | v4.8+ |
ObjectEventHour | The hour to perform the daily system scan as well as other system checks. Set to -1 to turn off | int | -1 | 23 | 0 | v4.8+ |
ObjectEventScanCount | The number of times to scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | int | 1 | 100 | 2 | v4.8+ |
Ping Interval | For sending websocket ping to server. | int | 0 | 3600 | 0 | v4.8+ |
SecureSocket | Use secure communications over HTTPS for the enclosure. | bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.8+ |
SensorReadingEventInterval | Minutes between reporting temperature sensor data. Set to 0 to turn off temperature readings | int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.8+ |
Subnet | The subnet address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned subnet is used instead. | IP address | | | | v4.8+ |
Userbypass | Allow any 10-40 hexadecimal character pass to access the cabinet, ignoring the credentials list synced from Jetstream. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8.42+ |
The following are the Jetstream Events that may come into your queue directly from a security cabinet. Other events pertaining to, but not generated by, the security cabinet are not listed here as those Jetstream-generated events do not vary by device type. See the Event entry in the Glossary to see a complete list of which events are from a device and which come from the Jetstream application.
Name | Supported | Notes |
AggregateEvent | No |
CommandCompletionEvent | Yes |
HeartbeatEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the HeartbeatEventInterval Config Parameter to 0. |
LogEntryEvent | Yes | These can be disabled or increased by configuring the LogEntryLevel Config Parameter. Disabling LogEntryEvents is NOT recommended, as this would prevent you or Terso from remotely monitoring the health of the unit. See the LogEntryEvents section below for more details. |
ObjectEvent | No |
SensorReadingEvent | No |
StatusEvent | Yes |
The list below are some common, potential LogEntryEvents a security cabinet may send in. However, not all possible LogEntryEvents are listed in this table. The LogEntryLevel Config Parameter determines which LogEntryEvents are sent to Jetstream, the following logentryevents may be sent when LogEntryLevel = Error.
Name | Description |
ACPowerFailure | ACPowerFailure occurs when the enclosure loses AC power and is running on battery backup. |
ACPowerRestore | ACPowerRestore occurs when the enclosure has AC power restored. |
DoorBreach | DoorBreach occurs when the door lock is released by something other than the enclosure. For example, someone prying the door open would cause this LogEntryEvent to be generated. |
DoorOpen | DoorOpen occurs when the door is left open for greater than the DoorOpenTimeLimit. |
DoorOpenRestore | DoorOpenRestore occurs when the enclosure's door is closed after a DoorOpen scenario. |
DoorSensorFailure | DoorSensorFailure occurs when the enclosure believes there is a problem with the door sensor. |
LowBattery | LowBattery occurs when the enclosure's internal UPS battery voltage is less than the BatteryThreshold. |
LowFlashSpace | LowFlashSpace occurs when the enclosure has less than 25% flash memory. |
LowMemory | LowMemory occurs when the enclosure has less than 25% memory. This event will be sent every hour until the device reboots. Reboot occurs automatically if memory drops to 10%. |
NewFirmwareDownloadError | NewFirmwareDownloadError occurs when a request to upgrade firmware fails. |
Shutdown | Shutdown occurs whenever the enclosure is powered down. |
Startup | Startup occurs whenever the enclosure is started up. |
UserPassReaderFailure | UserPassReaderFailure occurs when the enclosure loses its connection to the pass reader. |
UserPassReaderRestore | UserPassReaderRestore occurs when the enclosure has restored a connection to the pass reader. |
Secured Cabinets do not generate any SensorReadingEvents.