RFID Enclosures (Cabinets, Fridges, Freezers)
RFID enclosures are cabinet, freezer and refrigerator Jetstream devices. They not only support most Jetstream commands and events but extend them by enabling access control and the ability to remotely lockdown. To learn more about the specific Terso devices that match this device type, visit their product detail pages at tersosolutions.com.
Compact RFID Cabinets (TS032, TS035, TS037, TS050)
Large RFID Cabinets (TS030, TS056)

Countertop RFID Refrigerator (TS098)
Undercounter RFID Refrigerator (TS097)
Compact International RFID Refrigerators (TS055, TS060, TS061)
Large RFID Refrigerator (TS074e)

Compact RFID Freezers (TS031, TS034, TS036, TS038, TS042, TS043, TS047, TS048, TS052, TS054, TS068)
Large RFID Freezer (TS078)
Large Ultra Low Temperature RFID Freezers (TS057, TS088)

The Countertop Cabinet and Security Cabinets are sufficiently distinct in function that they are treated as their own device types.
You can send the following commands to an RFID Enclosure via Jetstream.
Name | Supported |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
Yes |
The following are the parameters that can be configured for an RFID Enclosure via policy. Available parameters may differ by firmware version. To configure your own devices via Jetstream, follow this guide. Terso Support can also manage these configuration settings for you.
Name | Description | Data Type | Min | Max | Default | Firmware |
ACLockdownOnPowerFailure | Prevent end user access to the enclosure during a power failure event. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.3+ |
ACLogEntryOnPowerFailure | Generate a LogEntryEvent when AC power is lost and returns. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.3+ |
AggregateEventScanCount | Number of times the enclosure should scan after an end user closes the enclosure door. A setting of 0 will disable AggregateEvents. | Int | 0 | 100 | 2 | v4.3+ |
AggregateEventScanDelay | Number of seconds the enclosure should wait between scans after an end user closes the enclosure door. | Int | 1 | 60 | 1 | v4.3+ |
AggregateEventScanTime | The time of each individual scan in seconds after an end user closes the enclosure door. | Int | 1 | 300 | 10 | v4.3+ |
Antenna1TxPower | The dB transmit power of antenna 1. | Int | 15 | 32 | 26 | v4.3+ |
Antenna1RxSensitivity | The dB receive sensitivity of antenna 1. | Int | -80 | -30 | -65 | v4.3+ |
Antenna2TxPower | The dB transmit power of antenna 2. | Int | 15 | 32 | 26 | v4.3+ |
Antenna2RxSensitivity | The dB receive sensitivity of antenna 2. | Int | -80 | -30 | -65 | v4.3+ |
Antenna3TxPower | The dB transmit power of antenna 3. | Int | 15 | 32 | 26 | v4.3+ |
Antenna3RxSensitivity | The dB receive sensitivity of antenna 3. | Int | -80 | -30 | -65 | v4.3+ |
Antenna4TxPower | The dB transmit power of antenna 4. | Int | 15 | 32 | 26 | v4.3+ |
Antenna4RxSensitivity | The dB receive sensitivity of antenna 4. | Int | -80 | -30 | -65 | v4.3+ |
AntennaAlarm | Generate a LogEntryEvent if a scan finds no tags, since in a typically stocked enclosure this may indicate an antenna failure. This should only be disabled if a an empty enclosure is the expected state. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.8.52+ |
AutoUpdate | Automatically update to the latest Firmware version as soon as it is released. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.7-v4.8.52 |
AutoUpdateFW | Automatically update to the latest Firmware version as soon as it is released. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v5+ |
AutoUpdateOS | Automatically update to the latest Operating System version as soon as it is released. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v5+ |
BatteryThreshold | The battery voltage threshold to determine a good battery. | Float | 0 | 30 | 23.0 | v4.3+ |
CommandPollInterval | The number of minutes between polling for device commands in Jetstream. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.3+ |
CommsInterfaceRestart | The time in minutes before the interface is “bounced” continuously after the device loses connection with DWS for any reason. | Int | 1 | 480 | 15 | v5.2.16+ |
CommsReboot | Time in minutes to wait for communication to Jetstream to be restored before a reboot occurs. | Int | 10 | 1440 | 230 | v4.7+ |
CommsReconnectInterval | Time in seconds to wait before attempting to communicate with Jetstream if there were any communication problems. | Int | 1 | 300 | 10 | v4.3+ |
CommsTimeout | Time in seconds to wait for a reply from Jetstream after sending an event or command response. | Int | 5 | 300 | 60 | v4.3+ |
DelayMinutes | Time in minutes that a valid pass can delay a FW or OS update. Only 60, 90, or 120 minutes allowed. | Int | 60 | 120 | 60 | v5+ |
DelayScans | Number of times a valid pass can delay an auto update. | Int | 0 | 8 | 4 | v5+ |
DisplayBacklight | The brightness percentage for the LCD screen's backlight. | Int | 0 | 100 | 100 | v4.3+ |
DisplayContrast | The contrast percentage for the LCD screen. | Int | 0 | 100 | 50 | v4.3+ |
DNS | The DNS to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned DNS server is used instead. | IP Address | | | | v4.3+ |
DoorDebounceTime | This is the time in half-seconds from when the door is sensed closed until the scan actually starts. | Int | 0 | 20 | 4 | v5.2.16+ |
DoorLockTriggered | Lock the door only after the door has been closed. This parameter must be set to true for the TS088 (ULT Freezer), and should be false for other models. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8.36+, v5.1.16+ |
DoorLockTriggeredDelay | For TS088 only. Time in seconds from when the door sensor picks up door closed to when door lock is energized. Only valid when DoorLockTriggered is set to true. | Int | 1 | 60 | 3 | v4.8.55+, v5.1.16+ |
DoorOpenTimeLimit | Time in seconds the door can be left open before generating a LogEntryEvent. | Int | 1 | 43200 | 300 | v4.3+ |
DoorUnlockTimeLimit | Time in seconds the door is unlocked after a user is granted access. | Int | 1 | 3600 | 5 | v4.3+ |
Gateway | The gateway address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned Gateway address is used instead. | IP Address | | | | v4.3+ |
HeartbeatEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a HeartbeatEvent. A setting of 0 will disable HeartbeatEvents. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.3+ |
I2CFailLogEntryInterval | This is the time in minutes between the I2C failure LogEntry communications when the I2C communication is in constant failure. | Int | 0 Off | 1440 | 240 | v5.2.16+ |
InactivityInterval | Time in seconds communications will wait before re-establishing a connection if there is no activity. | Int | 70 | 3600 | 300 | v4.3+ |
IP | The IP address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned IP address is used instead. | IP Address | | | | v4.3+ |
JetstreamDeviceUrl | The URL to which the enclosure sends Jetstream messages. | String | - | - | us-device.jetstreamrfid.com | v4.3+ |
JetstreamVersion | The JetstreamVersion of the intended receiving queue's GetEvents requests. Set to 1.5, 2, or 3. Duplicate event prevention is present for versions 2 and 3. | String | 1.5 | 3 | 1.5 | v4.8.42-v4.8.52 |
JetstreamWebsocketAppEndpoint | The Jetstream resource used to connect for WebSocket communications. Using '#' will disable WebSocket communications. | String | - | - | /dwsliveconnection.ashx | v4.3+ |
LanguageFile | The language file to use to display messages on the enclosure's LCD screen. | String | - | - | lang/tsi-en-us.xml | v4.3+ |
LocationService | Use location based services for the enclosure. The Geolocation of the enclosure will be sent in a SensorReadingEvent. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.3-v4.8.42 |
LogEntryLevel | The verbosity of the logs sent by the enclosure
| String | Off | Information | Error | v4.3+ |
LogFileLevel | The verbosity of the logs saved locally on the enclosure
| String | Off | Debug | Off | v4.3+ |
ObjectEventHour | The hour of the day (UTC) to perform the daily system scan as well as other system checks. A setting of -1 will disable ObjectEvents. | Int | -1 | 23 | 0 | v4.3+ |
ObjectEventScanCount | The number of times to scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 100 | 2 | v4.3+ |
ObjectEventScanDelay | Number of seconds the enclosure should wait between scans. | Int | 1 | 60 | 1 | v4.3+ |
ObjectEventScanTime | The time in seconds for each scan during a GetEPCListCommand or during the daily system scan. | Int | 1 | 300 | 10 | v4.3+ |
PingInterval | Time in seconds between client initiated pings when using WebSockets. A setting of 0 disables client pings. | Int | 0 | 3600 | 0 | v4.3+ |
ReadCountThreshold | Number of times a tag must be "seen" to be reported. Set to 0, to report anything seen. Set to 1 or more to filter out spurious reads. Typically this is only used in a ULT. | Int | 0 | 1000 | 0 | v5+ |
ReaderLockdownOnFailure | Prevent end user access to the enclosure if communications fail with the internal RFID reader. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.3+ |
ReaderLogEntryOnFailure | Generate a LogEntryEvent when communications to the internal RFID reader fails. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.3+ |
ReaderNumAntennas | The number of antennas the enclosure is using. | Int | 2 | 4 | 4 | v4.7+ |
RemoveEvent | When this is set to 1 (true), EPC tags removed are included in AggregateEvent. When set to false they are omitted from the event. | Bool | 1 | 0 | 1 | v5.2.16+ |
ScanMode | Specifies whether the reader should scan in Single, Dual, or Suppression modes. | String | - | - | Single | v4.6+ |
SecureSocket | Use secure communications over HTTPS for the enclosure. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v4.3+ |
SensorALockdownHighTemp | High temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to lockdown the enclosure. | Int | -100 | 100 | 100 | v4.3+ |
SensorALockdownLowTemp | Low temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to lockdown the enclosure. | Int | -100 | 100 | -100 | v4.3+ |
SensorALogEntryEventHighTemp | High temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | 100 | v4.3+ |
SensorALogEntryEventLowTemp | Low temperature threshold in Celsius for probe A to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | -100 | v4.3+ |
SensorAOffset | The offset, in degrees Celsius, to apply to the temperature readings from temperature probe A. | Int | -20 | 20 | 0 | v4.7+ |
SensorBLockdownHighTemp | High temperature threshold in Celsius for probe B to lockdown the enclosure. | Int | -100 | 100 | 100 | v4.3+ |
SensorBLockdownLowTemp | Low temperature threshold in Celsius for probe B to lockdown the enclosure. | Int | -100 | 100 | -100 | v4.3+ |
SensorBLogEntryEventHighTemp | High temperature threshold in Celsius for probe B to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | 100 | v4.3+ |
SensorBLogEntryEventLowTemp | Low temperature threshold in Celsius for probe B to send a LogEntryEvent. | Int | -100 | 100 | -100 | v4.3+ |
SensorBOffset | The offset, in degrees Celsius, to apply to the temperature readings from temperature probe B. | Int | -20 | 20 | 0 | v4.7+ |
SensorReadingEventInterval | The number of minutes between sending a SensorReadingEvent. A setting of 0 will disable SensorReadingEvents. | Int | 0 | 600 | 60 | v4.3+ |
Subnet | The subnet address to be used in a static LAN environment. When set to '', the DHCP assigned subnet is used instead. | IP Address | | | | v4.3+ |
TemperatureHiRes | Report temperature to a tenth of a degree (ex. 10.1, rather than 10). If set to false, temperatures will continue to be rounded to the nearest integer. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8.52+ |
UpdateDay | The day of the week to perform auto-updates. Set to 0 to check every day. Set to 1 for Sunday and sequentially after. | Int | 0 | 7 | 0 | v5+ |
UpdateHour | The hour of the day (UTC) to perform the auto-updates. Set to -1 to tie the auto-updates to the ObectEventHour parameter | Int | -1 | 23 | -1 | v5+ |
UpdateNotification | Enables the notification that an auto-update is going to occur. The countdown starts 60 minutes before scheduled time | Bool | 0 | 1 | 1 | v5+ |
Userbypass | Allow any 10-40 hexadecimal character pass to access the cabinet, ignoring the credentials list synced from Jetstream. | Bool | 0 | 1 | 0 | v4.8.42+ |
The following are the Jetstream Events that may come into your queue directly from an RFID Enclosure. Other events pertaining to, but not generated by, the RFID Enclosure are not listed here as those Jetstream-generated events do not vary by device type. See the Event entry in the Glossary to see a complete list of which events are from a device and which come from the Jetstream application.
Name | Supported | Notes |
Yes | An AggregateEvent is generated whenever an RIFD tag has been added or removed from a device. | |
Yes | A CommandCompletionEvent is published when a command has been completed on a device. | |
Yes | These can be disabled by setting the HeartbeatEventInterval Config Parameter to 0. | |
Yes | These can be disabled or increased by configuring the LogEntryLevel Config Parameter. Disabling LogEntryEvents is NOT recommended, as this would prevent you or Terso from remotely monitoring the health of the unit. See the LogEntryEvents section below for more details. | |
ObjectEvent | Yes | These can be disabled by setting the ObjectEventHour Config Parameter to -1. |
Yes | See the SensorReadingEvents section below for more details. | |
StatusEvent | Yes | A StatusEvent reports several pieces of device information every time the device is powered on, and during its nightly scan. |
The list below are some common, potential LogEntryEvents an RFID Enclosure may send in. However, not all possible LogEntryEvents are listed in this table. The LogEntryLevel Config Parameter determines which LogEntryEvents are sent to Jetstream, the following logentryevents may be sent when LogEntryLevel = Error.
Name | Description |
ACPowerFailure | ACPowerFailure occurs when the enclosure loses AC power and is running on battery backup. |
ACPowerRestore | ACPowerRestore occurs when the enclosure has AC power restored. |
CorruptFlash | CorruptFlash occurs when the enclosure believes there is a problem with the flash memory. |
DoorBreach | DoorBreach occurs when the door lock is released by something other than the enclosure. For example, someone prying the door open would cause this LogEntryEvent to be generated. |
DoorOpen | DoorOpen occurs when the door is left open for greater than the DoorOpenTimeLimit. |
DoorOpenRestore | DoorOpenRestore occurs when the enclosure's door is closed after a DoorOpen scenario. |
DoorSensorFailure | DoorSensorFailure occurs when the enclosure believes there is a problem with the door sensor. |
DisplayFailure | DisplayFailure occurs when the firmware attempts to send a message to the LCD but fails. |
DisplayRestore | DisplayRestore occurs when communication with the LCD is restored. |
InvalidPass | InvalidPass occurs when an RFID pass is presented to the pass reader which does not match any value on the enclosure’s synced credentials list. |
LowBattery | LowBattery occurs when the enclosure's internal UPS battery voltage is less than the BatteryThreshold. |
LowFlashMemory | LowFlashMemory occurs when the enclosure has less than 25% flash memory. |
LowMemory | LowMemory occurs when the enclosure has less than 25% memory. This event will be sent every hour until the device reboots. Reboot occurs automatically if memory drops to 10%. |
NewFirmwareDownloadError | NewFirmwareDownloadError occurs when a request to upgrade firmware fails. |
ReadException | ReadException occurs when there is an issue performing an RFID scan. |
ScanInterruptionAlarm | ScanInterruptionAlarm occurs when someone interrupts a scan by opening the door. |
Shutdown | Shutdown occurs when the enclosure is powered down. |
Startup | Startup occurs whenever the enclosure is started up. |
Temperature | Temperature occurs when a temperature threshold set by SensorA/BLogEntryEventHighTemp or SensorA/BLogEntryEventLowTemp has been reached. |
TemperatureRestore | TemperatureRestore occurs when an enclosure has gone back into normal temperature range. |
UserPassReaderFailure | UserPassReaderFailure occurs when the enclosure loses its connection to the pass reader. |
UserPassReaderRestore | UserPassReaderRestore occurs when the enclosure has restored a connection to the pass reader. |
ValidPass | ValidPass occurs when a valid pass is read by the pass reader. |
Enclosures typically have two temperature probes installed, smaller units may only have one probe (A). A SensorReadingEvent is periodically generated reporting the temperature on the probe(s).
Name | Description |
TemperatureA | The temperature reported on probe A in Celsius. |
TemperatureB | The temperature reported on probe B in Celsius. |