Product Catalog Additional Fields
With the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature enabled in Stratosphere, you can add additional context to your Product Catalog and reports with the new Product Category and Product System fields.
Specifically, when the Product Catalog Additional Fields Feature is enabled, the following things will occur in your Stratosphere organization:
- Products in the Product Catalog will have 2 additional fields, Product Category and Product System, available when adding and editing products. For existing products, the new fields will be null, but they can be edited. The Product Catalog CSV Import functionality will also support adding new products with these new fields popluated.
- Product Category and Product System will appear as columns for the following pages:
- Slow Moving Inventory Report (if the Slow Moving Inventory feature is enabled for your organization)
Viewing and editing the Product Catalog with additional fields requires your organization to enable the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature. See Enabling Product Catalog Additional Fields below for more information.
Viewing and editing the Product Catalog with additional fields requires the "Product Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.
Products are viewed and managed on the Product Catalog page available from the side menu.

If the Kanban Inventory Management feature is enabled, the Product Catalog can be viewed and managed by selecting Products > RFID Product Catalog from the side menu.

The Product Catalog displays the additional fields Product System and Product Category for your organization's RFID products.
To view or edit a product's details, including the Product System and Product Category, click the name of the product. The details page displays all the available information for that product, including:
- Product Name* - An easily recognizable description of the product. This field is editable.
- Product #* - The unique product code or number used to identify the product, usually present in the product’s barcode. Your organization may refer to it as a GTIN, part number, catalog code, or material code. This field is editable.
- Product System - A free text field to add further context to the product.
- Product Category - A free text field to add further context to the product.
- Items in Stock - The number of items of this product that are currently being reported by Stratosphere devices.
* = Required
Adding Products with Product Category Additional Fields requires your organization to enable the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature. See Enabling Product Catalog Additional Fields below for more information.
Adding products requires the "Product Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.
There two methods to add products with Product Catalog Additional Fields: manual entry and bulk import.
- Select "Add Product" in the top left of the Product Catalog page.
- Enter a Product Name.
- Enter a Product #.
- Optionally, enter a Product System or Product Category for the product.
- Click Save Changes to finish adding the product.
There is no way to undo a bulk import, other than to edit or remove products from the Catalog individually. When bulk importing, take every opportunity to verify the accuracy of the import. Double-check to ensure that the data in the uploaded file is accurate. After importing the file, but before saving the imported records, open the "ready to Import" section and verify that the columns are mapped appropriately and the data is exactly as you want it.
Many GTIN (Global Trade Identification Numbers) that should imported in the Product # column as the Product # contain leading zeros. Many spreadsheet programs, including Excel, will remove these leading zeros by default. To prevent this, convert the Product # column to a number format of Text, and the leading zeros will be preserved for accurate import from CSV.

- Select "Import Catalog" at the top of the Product Catalog page.
- "Choose File" and select a file containing the products you want to import. The file must meet the following requirements:
- .CSV file format
- less than 1 MB file size
- Contain columns titled "Product Name", "Product #", "Product System", and "Product Category" exactly, which will be imported as Product Name, Product #, Product System, and Product Category respectively. Additional columns may exist but will be ignored during import.
- Note: If Stratosphere Inventory Pricing is enabled for your organization, the file must include the following columns: "Product Name", "Product #", "Product System", "Product Category", and "Unit Price" exactly, which will be imported as Product Name, Product #, Product System, Product Category, and Unit Price respectively. Additional columns may exist but will be ignored during import.
- Once a file is chosen, select "Import Product Catalog"
- Before saving the import, validate that the import was completed as expected by reviewing the three lists:
- Ready to Import - These products were successfully read from the file. Verify that the Product Name, Product #, Product System, and Product Category are displaying as expected.
- Already in Catalog - These products were successfully read from the file, but already exist in your Product Catalog and will be skipped in the import to avoid duplication.
- Errors - These products were not successfully read from the file. It could be due to in invalid character, excessive length, blank fields, or an unknown reason. Where possible, the reason for the error will be explained in this list.
- If you are happy with your import preview, click "Import Products" one last time to save all the Ready to Import products into your product catalog. Any errors can be handled individually and uploaded in a subsequent bulk import.
You can review the last 10 product imports, including the list of Already in Catalog Products and Errors, by clicking "Import Catalog" from the top of the Product Catalog page at any time.
Enabling Product Catalog Additional Fields requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.
To enable Product Catalog Additional Fields:
- Go to the organization page
- Toggle the "Product Catalog Additional Fields" feature on
- Press "Save Changes"
Disabling Product Catalog Additional Fields requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.
To disable Product Catalog Additional Fields:
- Go to the organization page
- Select the "Add/Remove Features" tab
- Toggle the "Product Category Additional Fields" feature off
- Press "Save Changes"
- Confirm your intention to disable by pressing "Save Changes" in the resulting popup
When Product Catalog Additional Fields is disabled, all data stored in the Product Category and Product System fields for your product records will be cleared. This cannot be reversed.