Premium Features

Slow Moving Inventory


The slow moving inventory feature allows you to alert users to inventory that has been at its current location for longer than the specified number of days. This can be helpful for items which for regulatory or quality reasons cannot stay in the same location beyond a set number of days, or simply to help reduce inventory that is not turning over at the desired rate. If an item is moved to a different location, its duration in inventory will be reset to 0 and it will no longer appear on the slow-moving inventory report or dashboard. However, movement of an item in and out of the same device, or between multiple devices at the same location, will not reset the item’s inventory duration.

Specifically, when the Slow Moving Inventory Feature is enabled, the following things will occur in your Stratosphere organization:

  • Stratosphere will begin recording the first time an item is in inventory at a particular location. This value will be overwritten if an item's location changes (but not if it moves in and out of a device or devices all at the same location).
  • A count of all Slow Moving Inventory will display on the dashboard with a link to the Slow Moving Inventory Report.
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  • The Slow Moving Inventory Report listing all slow moving inventory along with their first stocked date will become available under the Reports Menu.

Viewing the Slow Moving Inventory Report

The Slow Moving Inventory Report contains a date range filter that defaults to the day in the past, the columns are sortable, and all data in the report is searchable via the search bar in the top right. Downloading and printing are also available. The Slow Moving Inventory Report contains the following columns:

  • Name - The product name of the item.
  • Serial - The unique serial number of the item.
  • Batch - The batch or lot number of the item.
  • Tag EPC - The unique RFID tag number reported by the device to identify the item.
  • Expiration Date - The date through which the item can be used.
  • Device - The name of the device containing the slow moving item.
  • Location - The name of the location where the slow moving item is inventoried.
  • First Seen at Location - The date and time that the item was first seen at its current location. If an item goes to another location, then comes back, it will get a new "First Seen" date and time.

When the Product Catalog Additional Fields feature is enabled, the Slow Moving Inventory Report will update to include the Product System and Product Category columns.

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Enabling Slow Moving Inventory

Enabling Slow Moving Inventory requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

To begin tracking Slow Moving Inventory:

  1. Go to the organization page
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  2. Toggle the "Slow Moving Inventory" feature on
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  3. Set the threshold in days after which an item should be considered slow moving.
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  4. Press "Save Changes"

Editing Slow Moving Inventory Threshold

Editing the Slow Moving Inventory threshold requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

To change the number of days after which an item is marked as slow moving:

  1. Go to the organization page
  2. Select the "Add/Remove Features" tab
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  3. In the Slow Moving Inventory Feature, edit the threshold in days after which an item should be considered slow moving.
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  4. Press "Save Changes"

Disabling Slow Moving Inventory

Disabling Slow Moving Inventory requires the "Organization Management" role to be granted in your user record. Contact your system administrator to add this capability.

To stop tracking Slow Moving Inventory:

  1. Go to the organization page
  2. Select the "Add/Remove Features" tab
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  3. Toggle the "Slow Moving Inventory" feature off
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  4. Press "Save Changes"
  5. Confirm your intention to disable by pressing "Save Changes" in the resulting popup