Jetstream API
Jetstream Navigator

Device Details


This page opens to the specific device selected from the All Devices page, either by clicking the Device Name or selecting the View option in the quick action menu. Once you navigate to the page, the device details will be loaded for that device, including the Device Information sidebar, the Events tab, and additional tabs, depending on the device definition.

Device Information

Once a device is selected, the Device Information sidebar will load with several pieces of data about the device.

First, at the very top next to the Device Information header, are the "configuration" options, in the quick action (...) menu.

  1. Edit - Change the editable fields for the currently selected device, including device name, serial number, and device definition.
  2. Delete - Delete the device from Jetstream, rendering it "Inactive".

Within the sidebar itself, the following info may be available. If a piece of info is not available, it will display "unknown".

  • Device Name - The name of the device.
  • Serial Number - The serial number of the device.
  • Device Definition - The name of the device definition associated with the device. The device definition defines what commands and parameters are available to a device.
  • Policy - The name of the policy associated with the device. The policy defines the baseline configuration parameter values of the device.
  • Status - Active (in Jetstream) or Deleted (Inactive).
  • Websocket - Connected (commands will be received by the device immediately) or Disconnected (commands will be executed when the device does its poll for commands).
  • Region - The geographic region where the Terso device is being placed. This is used to create the most reliable and lowest latency connection to the device. Options are: US, EU, AP, & USGOV.
  • Added On - The date/time the device was first created in Jetstream.
  • Application Name - The Jetstream application to which the device was added.
  • Last Comm - The most recent time the device communicated an event of any type.
  • Last AggregateEvent - The most recent AggregateEvent the device communicated.
  • Last ObjectEvent - The most recent ObjectEvent the device communicated.
  • Agent - The version of Terso's firmware running on the device.
  • Reader - The version of firmware the RFID reader on the device is running.
  • Sensor Data - The values from the most recent SensorReadingEvent from the device.


The Events tab is the default device details tab, and it allows the searching, sorting, filtering, and export of the last 30 days of events from the device. The table includes a date range setting to filter the events based on received time. The default date range is from yesterday to today.

The table is sorted by Received Time descending (most recent events first), and includes the following columns:

  • Event Type - The type of event. All Event Types are listed in the Event Types filter above the table.
    • Clicking the link will open the exact JSON of the Jetstream event in a modal window, including additional info beyond the 4 columns of the table. Note that the dates and times in this JSON message are always in UTC.
    • Note that SensorReadingEvents will occupy multiple rows for improved table feature function, although the various sensors are all reported in a single SensorReadingEvent.
    • This column contains a filter so that you can select all types of events you wish to view in the table from the selected date range. By default, all types will be displayed. See the Event Types documentation for more details on each event.
  • Event Message - A brief summary of the key contents of the events. Not all event types have details generated.
  • Received Time - The time that the event was received, as timestamped by Jetstream.

The table also includes a Table Options button. This table allows you to show additional columns in the table for Event GUID and Generated Time.


The Tags tab is the second device details tab, and presents the "current" count and list of RFID Tag EPCs in the device's read range, as determined by the latest ObjectEvent, plus or minus any tags reported as added or removed in AggregateEvents following the latest ObjectEvent.

The "Get Tags" button will trigger a Get All RFID Tags command and update the tag list based on the CommandCompletionEvent, as appropriate.

Document image

The "Get Tags" button will trigger a Get All RFID Tags command and update the tag list based on the CommandCompletionEvent, as appropriate.

Last Update: the date/time of latest object or AggregateEvent from the device, or click of the Get Tags button, which updated the tag list.


The Credentials tab will not appear for some device types which do not offer secured access controls. For those which do require a credential to be presented for access, this tab displays the count and list of current credentials (10-40 digit hexadecimal values).

The Last Sync date/time is the last time a sync was successfully completed. The current list is re-synced with the device every time "Save" is selected on this tab. (Sends a "sync device credentials" command)

Note that credentials can be added and removed in a single command, but for clarity we will present the add and remove credentials steps separately.

Adding Credentials

  1. In the "Add" field, enter any number of 10-40 digit hexadecimal RFID pass values you would like to allow to access this device. Enter each value on a new line, with no additional characters.
  2. Passes are added to the Current List when you click "Save".

Removing Credentials

  1. From the "Current List" simply select a credential to move it into the "Remove" column. You may remove any number of credentials.
    1. Passes can be "unremoved" (placed back in current list) by selecting them in the remove column.
  2. Passes are removed from the Current List when you click "Save".


The commands tab displays many of the Device Commands that are available for the device, as determined by the device definition. If a device type supports none of these commands, Navigator will display, "Device's Definition does not currently support any commands."

The following commands may be available on this tab for your device:

  • Restart - Instruct the device to restart. This takes roughly 1-2 minutes, during which the device will not be accessible.
    1. Enter an Execution date/time, and "Execute" to schedule the command. A scheduled restart cannot be undone.
  • Lockdown - Instructs the specified device to lock for a defined number of hours. During a lockdown period, a device cannot be accessed, even with valid credentials. Set value to 0 to end an active lockdown.
    1. Enter a number of Locked Hours between 0 and 168 hours.
    2. Enter an Execution date/time, and "Execute" to schedule the command.
  • Unlock A Device's Door - Virtually presents a device credential to the device to unlock its door for the duration defined by the DoorUnlockTimeLimit parameter of the device's policy. Default is 5 seconds.
    1. Enter a a 10-40 character hexadecimal number or a 36-character GUID. If a 10-40 character hexadecimal number is defined, it needs to be in the access control list of the device.
    2. Enter an Execution date/time, and "Execute" to schedule the command.
  • Update Firmware - Update the firmware version for a device at a specified date and time.
    • Enter the URL for the firmware update.
    • Enter the date and time for the firmware update to execute.

Some commands are handled elsewhere in Navigator, and will not be replicated here: including Sync Device Credentials and Get Last Device Credentials Sync Date/Time of the Credentials Tab, and Get Device Status (The "Websocket" status in the device information sidebar.) Some device commands are not yet available in Navigator, including Get All RFID Tags, Get a Device's Configuration Parameter's, and Set a Device's Configuration Parameters.


The Aliases tab displays a list of the aliases that are associated with the device.